On Tue November 4 2008 4:10:22 am Mike Cloaked wrote:
> I am away from my f9 machine at present - but I will try this in the next
> day or so. Your info does relate to KDE4 in the kickoff menu, not KDE3.35 I
> presume? If this will give the ability to add a link to a script to run
> then this is what I need or a link to any third part application, or code
> that I have compiled or untarred to an area such as /opt/*****
> If this will indeed create a new menu item in kickoff then getting an icon
> from there into the panel is easy.

What the menu editor does is open a display of the classic menu and allow you 
to create an icon there for any executable on your machine. Once you're done, 
that menu-item you just created will also appear in the kickoff menu, and as 
you point out, is easily deployable from there to the panel, desktop, or 
favorites list.
Claude Jones    
Brunswick, MD, USA
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