David Timms wrote:
> Ed Greshko wrote:
>> Michael Cronenworth wrote:
>>> Ed Greshko wrote:
>>>> 3.  Created a DVD in "live" mode on Vista and v2.5 UDF *not*
>>>> readable on
>>>> RHELv4.
>>>> Could not test with F9.
>>> UDF 2.5 is only readable with kernel 2.6.26 and higher. The latest
>>> kernel update from Fedora 9 should read a UDF 2.5 disc.
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format
>> Yes, the operative word being "should".  :-)
> Are you saying your kernel is higher (on rhel4) ?

Just making the clarification that even though things "should" work
there are times that they don't.  AKA, bugs.  FWIW, the OP hasn't
indicated what is being run at his end.

Zeus gave Leda the bird.

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