On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 11:09 -0600, Michael Cronenworth wrote:
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: any drawbacks to 64-bit versus 32-bit install?
> From: Patrick O'Callaghan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: fedora-list@redhat.com
> Date: 11/17/2008 11:03 AM
> > 
> > Well, maybe.
> There is no "maybe."
> The full browser crashes you are experiencing have nothing to do with 
> nspluginwrapper. If it did, you would see "npviewer.bin" messages in 
> your logs.

And since I see nothing at all in my logs, that means it's definitely
not nspluginwrapper?


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