On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 05:31:09PM +0000, Chris Jones wrote:
> Mike Chambers wrote:
>> On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 08:31 -0800, Antonio Olivares wrote:
>>> Go with 64 bit.  I have gotten 3 machines with AMD64 processors and I have 
>>> installed Fedora 10 Preview with 64 bit version and they are working nicely 
>>> :)  It(64 bit) will make full use of the machines capabilities and if it 
>>> were not for the flash player and other proprietary stuff, 64 is the way to 
>>> go :)
>> As pointed out in a separate thread, adobe has finally stared working on
>> and has an alpha version out of 64bit version of flash.  Check the
>> archives for the thread.  So that argument isn't relevant any longer?
> If flash is important to you, I think it is until is is proven to be as  
> reliable as the 32 bit version ;)

I have read that html 5 will make flash unnecessary. 

Is there any truth to that assertion?


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