On Thu, 2008-11-20 at 06:15 +0530, Manish Kathuria wrote:
> Whenever a network card is replaced in Fedora 9, many times the new
> NIC takes a new logical interface name instead of taking the original
> interface name. For example, if a network card eth0 is removed from a
> Fedora 9 system and is replaced by another network card, the new card
> appears as eth1 or eth2 instead of eth0.

Do you have an eth0 configuration file that has a HWADDR= line in it,
with the MAC of your old ethernet card after the equals sign?  If so,
then it's holding eth0 for that card, even if that card isn't still in
the box.  Remove the line, or set it to the MAC of your new card.

See:  /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0 

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