-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Moving Fedora 9 Hard Disk To Another System
From: Mikkel L. Ellertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using Fedora. <fedora-list@redhat.com>
Date: 11/19/2008 08:08 PM

What is more likely is that the motherboard is using a different
hard drive controller. The new controller requires a different
module from the original one. So you have to build a new initrd for
that system. This was covered in detail on the list a while back.

Depending on the other hardware, you may have to run kudzu, or you
may have to delete some or all of the
/etc/udev/rules.d/??-persistent*.rules files.


He won't need to build a new initrd. The UUID specified in his grub.conf is wrong. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the UUID is specific to a hard drive, so even if he cloned the image, the UUID would be for the original hard drive and wouldn't work on the cloned image.

Try setting root to "root=LABEL=/" or "root=/dev/sda2" or generate a new UUID.

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