On Sat, 2008-11-22 at 14:05 -0500, Mike Chalmers wrote:
> I think I am doing something wrong. When I reply to an email on a
> mailing list I click reply in the bottom left hand corner of Gmail,
> from the last person that posted. It then puts only their email in the
> "To" box. Then I hit send and it seems to send it to the person
> directly. Is there a certain way that I need to reply to emails on a
> mailing list or am I doing it correctly?

Use "Reply to All", it's right next to Reply (also on the drop-down

It would be better if Gmail had direct support for list functions (Reply
to List etc.) but Reply To All should work.

Or you can use Gmail via a more complete IMAP or POP client, such as
Evolution or Thunderbird, which support list functions directly. I use
Evolution for this.


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