On Fri, 2008-11-21 at 10:17 -0800, Rick Stevens wrote:
> In /etc/sysconfig/iptables-config, if you change the following lines
> to these:
>         IPTABLES_SAVE_ON_STOP = "yes"
>         IPTABLES_SAVE_ON_RESTART = "yes"
> (by default they're set to "no"), you will cause the system to run
>         iptables-save >/etc/sysconfig/iptables
> when "system iptables stop|restart" is run ("restart" is really a
> "stop" followed by a "start").  This will save any changes made to the
> running rules by the iptables command before iptables is actually
> stopped.

I'm curious why the rules aren't saved when you set them.  Surely that's
the time to commit them to file?  Not when starting/stopping/restarting
the iptables service.

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