On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 01:23:06PM -0500, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> Dave Feustel wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 11:20:33AM -0500, Dave Feustel wrote:
>>> F9 Boot up this morning took forever. The system seemed to be stuck on 
>>> starting
>>> up sendmail. How to get around startups of services when startup hangs?
> sendmail hanging at startup is usually a DNS problem as requests are  
> timing out....
>>> Also, My firewall is showing massive udp packets with state 1:0 from a 
>>> single ip address
>>> and I cannot ping to anything but my network ip address. Is this a sign of 
>>> a DOS?
>>> Everything was working great when I shutdown last night.
> Not necessarily, it could just be that Comcast was screwed up for a  
> while.  They do use human being to maintain their network, and human  
> beings are known to make misteaks from time to time....
>>> Thanks.
>> Well, around 1215 I booted up F9 and now everything is working normally.
>> I have no idea what the problem was earlier unless Comcast was down.
> Either its was Comcast, or the DOS stopped.  (yeah, I know, not too useful!)

Thanks anyways. Every bit of info about how to deal with DOS and
exploits is appreciated. Book references or URLs are also welcom.

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