On Fri, 2008-11-28 at 18:58 -0800, Antonio Olivares wrote:

> I would like to say the same, except for one machine.  It is freezing all of 
> the time, I already had a kernel oops on it :(
> I see the following message, I have sent it to list(fedora-test-list), but it 
> was ignored :(  Maybe I am the only one that is suffering this.  
> On 9 out of 10 machines, I have Fedora 10 running beautifully, but on this 
> machine (x86_64 that is not the case)

Unless you have 4GB of Ram, and are truly using/needing 64bit apps, why
not try 32bit and see if any better luck?

Mike Chambers
Fedora Project - Ambassador, Bug Zapper, Tester, User, etc..

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