On 04Dec2008 18:22, Alan Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 2:37 PM, Seann Clark wrote:
| > If it is
| > multithreaded, like say Apache, then, under load you will see it peg all
| > your CPU's/Cores instead of just one. I see this type of behavior on my home
| > server, which has quad core dual Xeon's, and when I stress test HTTP all
| > eight cores start to peak as the load gets higher.
| I don't think apache is multi-threaded. The reason you see all cores
| peak under heavy httpd load is that there are multiple apache
| processes launched to handle the multiple connections. In fact, even
| when not loaded, you will normally see many apache processes waiting
| in a pool for incoming connections.

Apache can be built in "worker" form (threaded) instead of prefork (lots
of processes sharing the listen socket). Dunno how it ships on Fedora.
Cameron Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> DoD#743

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