On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 04:19:37AM -0600, Mike Chambers wrote:
> Anyone know of any good ones that aren't that expensive and print pretty
> fast?  Do they connect via USB and/or parallel cable and how supported
> are they for linux?

well, FWIW among all the other suggestions, I'll point out that my
Brother HL2070 works great. No hassles. Plug it in, configure it using
the defaults, and bob's your uncle! I've got it on my hardwired LAN,
and it "just works" from my centos 5 Linux box, my Fedora laptop,
my Ubuntu scanner host, and my familys' windoze boxen. No hassle.

Unfortunately they seme to have dropped that model. They are now selling
a 2170w which appears to be its replacement. I've not tried using one
of those with Linux, but I DID see it on newegg the other day for some
ridiculously low price, under a hundred bucks.

Ah. here it is: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16828113291
on sale until 12/6, so hurry if you want one! :)

Good luck!
---- Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----------------------------
                        The Lord is like a strong tower. 
             Those who do what is right can run to him for safety.
--------------------------- Proverbs 18:10 (niv) -----------------------------

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