On Fri, 05 Dec 2008 09:40:05 -0600
Aaron Konstam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Several people have suggested that you can switch to the
> details when rhgb is running by typing esc. That does not
> work for me. I can hit the details tab but not esc. Where
> have I gone wrong? --

That is what is in the release notes and it didn't work for
me either. One of the first things that I always do with a
new system is to eliminate the "hidden" and rghb from
grub.conf. I really think that this should be the default.
Hiding the output on a new install is really
counter-intuitive - for me. I have never quite understood
this obsession with a windows-like boot process.

Sometimes I think that the worst enemy of Linux is trying
to make it too much like Windoze.

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