I am running the XFCE spin of Fedora, and have watched with horror as gnome has 
taken over my system. So, I decided to try a 

yum erase gnome\*

and got the following:

 gnome-desktop             x86_64 2.24.1-5.fc10                 installed 2.7 M
 gnome-icon-theme          noarch 2.24.0-1.fc10                 installed  11 M
 gnome-keyring             x86_64 2.24.1-1.fc10                 installed 2.3 M
 gnome-keyring-pam         x86_64 2.24.1-1.fc10                 installed  33 k
 gnome-menus               x86_64 2.24.1-1.fc10                 installed 679 k
 gnome-mime-data           noarch 2.18.0-3.fc10                 installed 3.5 M
 gnome-mount               x86_64 0.8-1.fc9                     installed 580 k
 gnome-mplayer             x86_64 0.9.2-1.fc10                  installed 702 k
 gnome-packagekit          x86_64 0.3.9-8.fc10                  installed 5.4 M
 gnome-panel               x86_64 2.24.1-3.fc10                         
installed 9.3 M
 gnome-panel-libs          x86_64 2.24.1-3.fc10                 installed  61 k
 gnome-python2             x86_64 2.22.3-1.fc10                 installed  95 k
 gnome-python2-bonobo      x86_64 2.22.3-1.fc10                 installed 361 k
 gnome-python2-canvas      x86_64 2.22.3-1.fc10                 installed  72 k
 gnome-python2-extras      x86_64 2.19.1-24.fc10                installed 260 k
 gnome-python2-gconf       x86_64 2.22.3-1.fc10                 installed 134 k
 gnome-python2-gnome       x86_64 2.22.3-1.fc10                 installed 350 k
 gnome-python2-gnomevfs    x86_64 2.22.3-1.fc10                 installed 328 k
 gnome-python2-gtkhtml2    x86_64 2.19.1-24.fc10                installed  24 k
 gnome-python2-libegg      x86_64 2.19.1-24.fc10                installed 128 k
 gnome-session             x86_64 2.24.1-3.fc10                 installed 1.9 M
 gnome-session-xsession    x86_64 2.24.1-3.fc10                 installed 4.6 k
 gnome-settings-daemon     x86_64 2.24.0-14.fc10                installed 1.7 M
 gnome-themes              noarch 2.24.1-1.fc10                 installed 3.9 M
 gnome-vfs2                x86_64 2.24.0-3.fc10                 installed 3.2 M
 gnome-vfs2-obexftp        x86_64 0.4-8.fc10                    installed 133 k
Removing for dependencies:
 NetworkManager-gnome      x86_64 1:0.7.0-0.12.svn4326.fc10     installed 889 k
 NetworkManager-openvpn    x86_64 1:0.7.0-16.svn4326.fc10       installed 450 k
 NetworkManager-vpnc       x86_64 1:0.7.0-0.11.svn4326.fc10     installed 327 k
 PolicyKit-gnome           x86_64 0.9-3.fc10                    installed 413 k
 abiword                   x86_64 1:2.6.4-9.fc10                installed  17 k
 anaconda                  x86_64                   installed  17 M
 bluez                     x86_64 4.17-2.fc10                   installed 1.0 M
 bluez-gnome               x86_64 1.8-8.fc10                    installed 656 k
 brasero                   x86_64 0.8.2-1.fc10                  installed 6.7 M
 control-center            x86_64 1:             installed 7.2 M
 drivel                    x86_64 2.1.1-0.6.20071130svn.fc10    installed 1.3 M
 eel2                      x86_64 2.24.1-3.fc10                 installed 726 k
 evolution-data-server     x86_64 2.24.2-1.fc10                 installed  12 M
 fedora-gnome-theme        noarch 8.0.0-7.fc10                  installed  18 k
 fedora-icon-theme         noarch 1.0.0-4.fc10                  installed 114 k
 fedorainfinity-gdm-theme  noarch 8.0.1-1.fc8                   installed 1.1 M
 firefox                   x86_64 3.0.4-1.fc10                  installed  14 M
 firstboot                 x86_64 1.102-1.fc10                  installed 652 k
 gdm                       x86_64 1:2.24.0-12.fc10              installed 3.2 M
 gecko-mediaplayer         x86_64 0.9.2-1.fc10                  installed 470 k
 gnumeric                  x86_64 1:1.8.2-4.fc10                installed  32 M
 goffice                   x86_64 0.6.5-1.fc10                  installed 4.0 M
 goffice04                 x86_64 0.4.3-3.fc9                   installed 3.6 M
 gtkhtml2                  x86_64 2.11.1-4.fc10                 installed 528 k
 gvfs                      x86_64 1.0.2-3.fc10                  installed 3.3 M
 gvfs-fuse                 x86_64 1.0.2-3.fc10                  installed  29 k
 gvfs-obexftp              x86_64 1.0.2-3.fc10                  installed 132 k
 gxine                     x86_64 0.5.903-2.fc10                installed 1.1 M
 gxine-mozplugin           x86_64 0.5.903-2.fc10                installed  32 k
 im-chooser                x86_64 1.2.5-1.fc10                  installed 238 k
 imsettings-xfce           x86_64 0.105.1-2.fc10                installed  90 k
 java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin x86_64 1:          installed 206 k
 krb5-auth-dialog          x86_64 0.7-7.fc9                     installed  56 k
 libabiword                x86_64 1:2.6.4-9.fc10                installed  24 M
 libbonoboui               x86_64 2.24.0-1.fc10                 installed 1.2 M
 libgail-gnome             x86_64 1.20.1-1.fc10                 installed  52 k
 libgnome                  x86_64 2.24.1-7.fc10                 installed 2.9 M
 libgnomeui                x86_64 2.24.0-2.fc10                 installed 3.4 M
 libgsf-gnome              x86_64 1.14.10-1.fc10                installed  97 k
 mirage                    x86_64 0.9.3-1.fc9                   installed 541 k
 nautilus-cd-burner        x86_64 2.24.0-1.fc10                 installed 2.0 M
 nodoka-theme-gnome        noarch 0.3.90-2.fc10                 installed  19 k
 pidgin                    x86_64 2.5.2-1.fc10                  installed 2.4 M
 plymouth-gdm-hooks        x86_64 0.6.0-0.2008.11.17.3.fc10     installed  171 
 policycoreutils-gui       x86_64 2.0.57-11.fc10                installed 666 k
 quodlibet                 x86_64 1.0-4.fc10                    installed 2.7 M
 scim                      x86_64 1.4.7-35.fc10                 installed 1.5 M
 scim-bridge               x86_64 0.4.15-8.fc10                 installed 286 k
 scim-bridge-gtk           x86_64 0.4.15-8.fc10                 installed  80 k
 scim-lang-bengali         x86_64 1.4.7-35.fc10                 installed  0.0 
 scim-lang-hindi           x86_64 1.4.7-35.fc10                 installed  0.0 
 scim-lang-tibetan         x86_64 1.4.7-35.fc10                 installed  0.0 
scim-m17n                 x86_64 0.2.2-3.fc9                   installed  77 k
 setroubleshoot            noarch 2.0.12-4.fc9                  installed 275 k
 system-config-date        noarch 1.9.34-1.fc10                 installed 3.8 M
 system-config-keyboard    noarch 1.2.15-4.fc10                 installed 189 k
 system-config-lvm         noarch 1.1.4-3.1.fc10                installed 2.6 M
 system-config-network     noarch 1.5.93-2.fc10                 installed 1.8 M
 system-config-printer     x86_64 1.0.9-1.fc10                  installed 1.6 M
 system-config-services    noarch 0.99.28-1.fc10                installed 1.5 M
 totem-pl-parser           x86_64 2.24.2-1.fc10                 installed 968 k
 tracker-search-tool       x86_64 0.6.6-3.fc10                  installed 303 k
 xchat-gnome               x86_64 0.24.0-1.fc10                 installed 5.2 M
 xfce4-xfapplet-plugin     x86_64 0.1.0-6.fc9                   installed 109 k
 xine-lib-extras           x86_64 1.1.15-3.fc10                 installed 208 k
 xulrunner                 x86_64                installed  23 M

Transaction Summary
Install      0 Package(s)         
Update       0 Package(s)         
Remove      92 Package(s)         

What do many of these packages: firefox, mirage, quodlibet, abiword, bluez, 
brrasero, etc have to do with gnome?

I guess the right thing to do is to file with bugzilla, but does this mean that 
I file 80 requests with bugzilla?



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