On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 6:41 PM, Linuxguy123 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So why are the developers writing software for hardware that doesn't
> have a working driver ?
> Does that sound production ready ?
> And it isn't just that folderview runs slow.  In KDE4.1.3, it totally
> freezes my UI.
> ...

> Again, is this a PRODUCTION READY strategy ?

> ...

> Leaving the end user screwed.


> Yeah, but Fedora is responsible for shipping PRODUCTION READY stuff.
> And if folderview doesn't work with nvidia hardware, I'd hardly call

If you bothered to search the nVidia forums instead of just screaming like a
3 y/o that had is candy taken from him, you'd known that is a known
regression in the nVidia drivers and the can more-or-less solved by passing
exactly two parameters to nvidia-settings.

I coule have take the time to post the actual parameters (which I use, on
all my F9 and F10 machines), but given your rude behaviour, I see little
reason to help you.

- Gilboa
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