Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> Don Levey wrote:
>> On my F10 machine, my main X session is on Ctrl-Alt-F1, as expected.
>> However, Ctrl-Alt-F2 (or "switch user") bring me to a console login.
>> Trying to "startx" tells me that "Server is already active for display
>> 0" and recommends deleting the /tmp/.X-lock file.  I don't want to do
>> that and disable my main session; I want a second X session as another
>> user.  Any of the Ctrl-Alt-Fn combinations don't seem to help here.
>> Is this no longer possible in F10?  The upgrade of my home desktop
>> depends upon this functionality.
>>  -Don
> Dumb question - are you telling startx to use a different screen,
> instead of the default screen 0?
> startx -- :1
> Mikkel

Um, no - hadn't thought of that.  This works, giving me my KDE session
on F1 and Gnome on F7.  Thanks!

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