-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Why was this dbus disaster released mid-release?
From: Jeff Spaleta <jspal...@gmail.com>
To: Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using Fedora. <fedora-list@redhat.com>
Date: 12/11/2008 01:03 PM

Dbus hasn't been the only package affected by a pre-mature push to
stable.  Its happened to less critical applications as well. I've had
applications I had to scramble to update because a dep was pushed
directly into stable by another maintainer.

The dbus security policy change was the heart of the issue. If it had been reverted, other packages would not have needed to be changed. I'm not saying the change would need to be permanently reverted either nor am I calling for anyone's head.

We have to be very careful about finding the balance between
protecting users from human error without overburdening maintainers
with a set of bureaucracy that makes it more difficult for them to

I'm not oblivious to this fact.

Part of that balance could be having more automated testing.. but that
sort of thing takes people to develop and implement.  If there was a
general call made for new contributors to help implement more
automated testing would you step up and help write code to implement

Automated X-driven testing? Nothing exists yet, correct? I would love to have something to test my software at work. Is there a SIG or mailing list of folks willing to do such a thing? Yes, I'd be willing to help.

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