On Friday 12 December 2008 17:31:33 Chris Snook wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > I've just been told
> >
> > A Fatal Error Occurred
> > The application KDE Daemon (kded4) crashed and caused the signal 11
> > (SIGSEGV).
> >
> > It went on to say that it couldn't create a bug report, as gdb is not
> > installed.  Shouldn't that be installed by default?
> >
> > Anne
> Feel free to file a bug to get gdb added to the KDE package group, enabled
> by default, but please don't make it a dependency.  Debuggers, especially
> ones that automatically attach to apps the user can cause to crash, are
> considered a security risk in certain environments.
One question - is this a packaging report, i.e. Fedora, or a KDE issue?  I 
don't want to report it to the wrong place.


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