Anne Wilson wrote:
> Much has been said about the ability for a linux distro to be carried around 
> on a usb stick, making any computer into your familiar desktop.  Does anyone 
> actually do this?
> I ask because I installed F9 and Mandriva 2008 onto sticks for tests with my 
> EeePC.  Today I put the Mandriva stick into the Acer netbook, and watched the 
> messages scroll on, as it detected and set up the webcam, then the mouse, 
> then 
> I got to
> "Marking TSC unstable due to: TSC halts in idle
> Time: hpet clocksource has been installed.
> Then a loonng pause, after which
> Wait timeout.  Will continue in the background. [FAILED}
> Non-volatile memory driver v1.2
> and it has been sitting there for 15 minutes.
> I confess I have always wondered about such hardware changes.  If this is 
> typical, then this is another dream that is far from reality :-(
> Just to satisfy my curiosity, I'll try the F9 stick.  I won't bother 
> reporting 
> back if the result is very similar.
> Anne
I have used the Live CD installed to a memory stick with persistent
overlay, and extra storage. I have also used a standard install to a
USB hard drive. I have had few problems when booting on other
systems. The Live CD works almost everywhere. The full install works
as long as you have a compatible video driver for X.

You can run into the same problems you run into booting on some
machines, where you have to add extra parameters to the kernel boot
line, but you don't run into that too often.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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