> > I kindly ask for help with this machine, because I
> might just throw the towel with it.  
> If you are running a kernel.org kernel (O assume that's
> what you mean) I don't believe ext4 is there, or
> it's there as ext4dev module, or similar. You might look
> and see of that's the case, and load ext4dev by hand if
> present.
> Haven't run a K.O kernel since I started using ext4 for
> anything, so I can't say for sure.

I was very happy to get a Fedora kernel and soon as I was going to reply to 
your message, I got another kernel oops :(, and the machine froze of course


I am sending this from Slax, it has always bailed me out.  Guess it would be 
best to give this a rest and then come back and check later when a newer kernel 
is released.  

I guess ext4 is not on the kernels from kernel.org, if it is how do I build it 
so that I can verify that my machine will no longer freeze.  Thanks for that.  
I believed since I copied the config from the Fedora kernel that it was going 
to work like normally it has for the past when I have built kernels from 
kernel.org.  On the Fedora 9 machine, I built 3 kernels because Fedora's were 
still at 2.6.25.X and I compiled a 2.6.26, and a 2.6.27 kernel and 
then I got fedora's kernel and it is working fine on Fedora 9 
x86_64 machine.  




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