On Monday 15 December 2008 01:47:20 Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> Kevin Kempter wrote:
> > Hi All;
> >
> > I'm running Fedora 10 (64bit) on a Dell laptop.  I cannot read music CD's
> > the system doesn't even recognize that I've inserted a CD, here's my
> > dmesg output (below).
> >
> > Thanks in advance.
> Are you trying to read a music CD like a data CD? If so, it is not
> going to work. If you want save the music tracks to the hard drive,
> you need a ripping program. (Grip is one.)
> If you are trying to play music CDs, then it depends on how you want
> to do it. Linux supports playing both analog and digital streams.
> Analog only supported if you have the audio cable between CD drive
> and the sound card. Depending on the program you are using you may
> need to download the digital CD plugin and/or select it to use the
> digital stream.
Hasn't there been some issue about not being able to play CDs digitally?  I'm 
sure it was in either Errata or Release Notes, but can't remember whether it 
was Fedora ones or Mandriva ones.

Sorry, memory is not working well today, but this might spark someone else's 
memory instead :-)


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