On Mon December 15 2008 4:04:28 pm Christopher A. Williams wrote:
> No. What I'm saying is that the RPM versions are going away,
> probably after this next release or so. VMware wants to move
> to a common installer between Debian and RPM (and others)
> based distros. My own philosophical issue with this decision
> is, allegorically speaking, their solution to dealing with 3
> different package installation methods has been
> (unfortunately) to add a fourth.
> That said, the .bundle installer works pretty well and
> automates lots of things, but it violates the sanctity of the
> built-in package management tools. That's not a very good
> thing to do in an RPM (or Debian) based distro.
> During the 2.0 betas, they all but scuttled the RPMs because
> they wanted people to start using the .bundle installer. So it
> still should work for now, but you should plan for that the
> .bundle installer will be the way forward in the future.
> I'm holding out that future capabilities in Package Kit might
> help alleviate this. We'll see...

ah...well, this may be the excuse I need to really start 
investigating the linux based alternatives - my needs are rather 
small in the great scheme of things - I can run Word natively 
now, which is one reason I used to want a Windows VM; 
unfortunately, connecting to a Win2008 Exchange Server is not 
working except through IMAP, which isn't available in my 
environment; most of my other needs are purely of a hobbyist 
nature - thanks for the explanation

Claude Jones
Brunswick, MD, USA

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