On Wed, Dec 17, 2008 at 9:48 AM, Timothy Murphy <t...@maths.tcd.ie> wrote:
> Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
>> In my system the System Settings menu is directly under the K Menu (as
>> well as under Computer). Since I didn't change anything from the
>> defaults, I assume that's normal.
> 1) My KDE menu seems to differ slightly on various machines,
> perhaps according as I used preupgrade or not?

I didn't, if it matters. I did a fresh install.

> 2) I don't find the organisation of the KDE menu at all intuitive.

I find it somewhat more intuitive (or less unintuitive :-) than the
KDE 3.5 version, but that's just me.

> Sorry, but I think Bill got this one right, or nearly so.



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