Frank Millman wrote:
Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
Frank Millman wrote:
The HDD is a standard IDE drive with a standard IDE
connector on the motherboard.
I can not help with the original problem, but the problem with moving the hard drive is probably a different IDE controller in the second machine. The fix is to chroot /mnt/sysimage and build a new initrd. (man mkinitrd) The only problem being that the drive will probably not work in the old machine any more. One way around this is to have 2 different initrd for the same kernel, and have 2 grub entries - each using a different initrd.img.

Thanks for the reply, Mikkel.

I tried, but unfortunately I don't know enough to figure it out :-(

I ran chroot /mnt/sysimage. I read 'man mkinitrd', but I cannot work out
what parameters to use. I tried 'mkinitrd -vf', but it just returned to the
prompt silently. I rebooted, but nothing had changed.

I cannot see anything in /boot - it seems that it is not mounted, and I
don't know how to mount it manually. /etc/fstab shows a UUID number.

It is not that important for me to get this working - I don't mind
re-installing from scratch. However, it would be nice to know how to solve
this problem for the future, in case it ever happens with live data
involved. For example, a mother board could fail, but the HDD is intact, so
you just want to move it to a new machine.

BTW, getting it to work off the old machine is not important, so a simple
re-generation of the image is sufficient.

Any assistance will be appreciated.


Something that I found to work was to use the installation media and go through an upgrade, even though all you need is the boot fixed. Someone posted their success so I tried to fix a system that I transferred from an IDE drive to a SATA drive which failed to boot. Once I tried to run an upgrade the unit was able to boot for the transferred SATA installation.

The upgrade process simply updated a few kernel and grub items and passed on other already current packages.

Since you only changed a working install to another computer, it may work.

Another possibility is that you need to run the IDE in legacy mode, I found this needed for both older RHL7.3 and Centos early releases. If you have IDE set to native, both older distributions fail to recognize drive and you end up with a kernel panic.

Weed's Axiom:
        Never ask two questions in a business letter.
        The reply will discuss the one in which you are
        least interested and say nothing about the other.

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