On Friday 19 December 2008 20:58:39 David Timms wrote:
> Kevin Kempter wrote:
> > On Friday 19 December 2008 07:40:33 Paul W. Frields wrote:
> >> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 06:49:24AM -0700, Kevin Kempter wrote:
> >>> Hi All;
> >>> I did a yum update and the rpmfusion repos were updated. I rebooted and
> This is the update that would have updated all packages existing on your
> system. Unless they were already installed.
> > Thanks for the confirmation. So it seems that the install pulled packages
> > from the internet since the install DVD I used is several weeks old
> ie you ticked the enable Fedora Updates checkbox in the installer ?


> DaveT.

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