Dave Feustel wrote:
> I've been running F9 for a while. About two weeks ago
> I started getting sequences like the following every
> time I log in:
> [1]     3875
> [2]     3877
> [3]     3879
> [4]     3880
> [5]     3881
> [6]     3882
> [7]     3883
> [8]     3885
> [9]     3888
> [10]    3891
> [11]    3895
> [12]    3899
> [13]    3901
> [14]    3903
> [15]    3905
> [16]    3907
> [17]    3909
> I got rid of this by setting permissions of /etc/profile to 000,
> although the sequences still show up when I log in as root.
> I've looked at the /etc/profile code but I don't understand it.

Has /etc/profile been modified?  (rpm -Vf /etc/profile)

> What code in /etc/profile generates these sequences?

You could run it with some extra verbosity like this, I believe:

$ set -x; . /etc/profile; set +x

Files in /etc/profile.d/* are sourced by /etc/profile, so it could be
one of those causing the output.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
I've had a perfectly wonderful evening.  But this wasn't it.
    -- Groucho Marx

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