Running Fedora 10 on a desktop and it has just stopped logging on.

When logging on to a KDE session, the message "Could not start
ksmserver.  Check your installation" is displayed.  Clcikign OK (the
only option available) returns to the logon screen.

If I attempt to logon to GNOME, "Naultilus cannot be used now, due to an
unexpected error" is displayed.  Show more details reveals "Nautilus
cannot be used now, due to an unexpected error from Bonobo when
attempting to register the file manager view server."  Clicking OK
reveasl a second message window warning that "The panel has encountered
a fatal error".  Clicking OK here leaves the session locked (no panel,
no right click option).

I created a new user, and the same symptons exist for the new user.

Can anyone suggest how to fix this?



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