On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 15:33 -0500, William Case wrote:
> Hi Daniel;
> On Mon, 2008-12-22 at 14:36 -0500, Daniel J Walsh wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> > 
> > William Case wrote:
> > > Hi;
> > > 
> > > This probably more of a frustration question than an eventually solving
> > > it myself question.
> > > 
> > > I couldn't get any sound -- I originally thought it was an Adobe Flash
> > > problem -- until I changed SELinux from enforcing to permissive.  How do
> > > I make sound available to the user while still using SELinux enforcing?
> > Check the /var/log/audit/audit.log file for AVC messages.
> I couldn't see anything pertinent; but that doesn't mean much.  I have
> never used the audit.log before.  I could be looking at something and
> not seeing it.
> > 
> > Is this F10?
> Yes.  See under my signature.  I keep my program versions there for the
> main mailing lists I belong to.

Somehow my 'Front' channel?? in Alsa mixer gui got turned off.  By trial
and error I learnt that if I fully turned on the volume for 'Front' I
got my sound back.  Why SELinux enforcing also affected it is still
leaves me at a loss.

New thread to follow.

Regards Bill
Fedora 10, Gnome 2.24.2
Evo.2.24.2, Emacs 22.2.1

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