On Friday 02 January 2009 16:15:35 Ambrogio wrote:
> On dom, 2008-12-21 at 14:05 -0500, Mail Lists wrote:
> > That was the way things used to be. Now KDE is harder to configure,
> > not as flexible and is difficult if not impossible to set up the way I
> > like things (task manager showing 1 icon per console or per firefox, the
> > workspace chooser in the middle, the ability to click and save a session
> > etc etc).
> And what about the integration between KDE and Gnome applications.
> I'm not able to set the right language for Evolution, gimp and some
> other gnome application.
> Before in KDE 3 I never had that problems.
> Bye
>  Ambrogio

Guys, for god's sake, this thread is really starting to walk on my nerves.  
Have you guys ever tried 4.2 beta 2?  And plus, if you love evolution, why not 
just use gnome.  KMail in my opinion is way better and easier to configure that 
evolution and kde apps just make sense, and that is why I chose KDE.

Plus, it's very good if you guys appreciate the work of KDE devs.  They have 
*re-written* most of KDE, and with great change comes great problems.  Use it, 
love it, adore it, and report it, and help it. :)

If you don't have coding skills, help with the artwork, bug reports, 
documentation, etc. etc. and if you do have coding skills, fix the bugs.  It's 
that easy!

On top of all, I can do things now that I have never been able to do in KDE 

And well, I won't forget to mention, Happy new year :)

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