On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 2:21 AM, Niels Weber <nathelb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Replying to myself as I found something out...
> 2008/12/11 Niels Weber <nathelb...@gmail.com>:
>> So it seems that Pulseaudio is working after all... now I need only to
>> find out how to get surround sound.
> After looking into the PulseAudio FAQ, that was quite easy:
> http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/FAQ#IhaveasurroundsoundcardbutPulseAudiousesjustthefrontspeakers
> "To enable all the channels, edit /etc/pulse/daemon.conf: uncomment
> the default-sample-channels line (i.e. remove the semicolon from the
> beginning of the line) and set the value to 6 if you have a 5.1 setup,
> or 8 if you have 7.1 setup etc. After doing the edit, restart
> pulseaudio."
> That was all. Really easy compared to what I had to do back then to
> get surround working with alsa alone on one of the older Fedoras
> (which took me weeks).
> Now, surround works even in Prey - which it didn't with my previous
> setup (without PA under F8).
> Niels

One thing I did was to copy default.pa and daemon.conf to ~/.pulse
before editing so the change wouldn't be system wide. Also, I wasn't
sure if those files might get overwritten during an update or
installed as .rpmnew or whatever.


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