cjzjm100 wrote:
> Hi,all,i seted the encoding of vim in order to display chinese
> well.Because when i opened source files programed by myslfe,the chinese
> can't display well.My locale is zh_CN.UTF-8,here is the contents of .vimrc:
> let &termencoding=&encoding
> set fileencodings=utf-8,gbk,ucs-bom,cp936
> After this ,will it break the system files when i edit the system files
> by vim?
I don't know the answer to your question, but I have a suggestion for finding 
out.  First as a normal user, copy .bashrc
in your home directory to .bashrc.bak.  Then edit .bashrc, making some trivial 
changes, and exit.  Go to a new text
console, Ctl-Alt-F2 - F6.  Login and see if the new .bashrc causes you any 
problems.  If it does, you have your answer,
if not, go to the next step.

As root, go to /etc, and copy yum.conf to yum.conf.bak.  Then as root edit 
yum.conf.  Make a trivial change and exit.
Run yum update.  If there is no problem, you have your answer that there is no 
problem.  If there is a problem, you also
have your answer.

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