Phil Meyer wrote:

> NetworkManager works just fine.
> Go ahead and add/modify the line in
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scrpts/ifcfg-eth0, to:
> Network manager will then have the network available whenever a user is
> logged in, even in run mode 3. (like when you want to do a major update)

Why do I need to do this when it's already 'ONBOOT=yes'?  This is just
adding another step to the process that I shouldn't need to do.

> If you need to start network services after an interface is up, use the
> scripts in:

Again, why do I need this if the interface is up on boot?  I've never
had to do this kind of crap to get nptd to start in any previous distro?
 Why does NM require such extra work?  As I said, it's just requiring me
to re-invent the wheel every time.  Which I don't need.  I want my
network interfaces to come up on boot.  I don't particularly care or
need my interfaces to start on log in, even on my laptop.  I control my
wireless card manually anyway since I work in several different
locations and have certain settings I need at each. I know NM is
supposed to do that, but it never really did work consistently enough
for me, not to mention the fact that my way works every time.

> /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d
> Here is one I did to enable ntpd with NetworkManager:
> #!/bin/sh
> interface=$1
> state=$2
> case $state in
>        up) /sbin/service ntpd start;;
>        down) /sbin/service ntpd stop;;
>        *) ;;
> esac
> ---
> Pretty trivial, and really slick.

I fail to see that this is slick when linux has had this capability for
it's entire existence.
> If you need network services available all the time, then that is a
> server, by definition, and by all means its fair to turn off
> NetworkManager.

No, it's not a server.  Why do you assume such?  I keep my desktops on
all the time, but I don't use them as servers.  And when I reboot them,
I want them to be on the network when I boot.  Why do I need NM to do
all that's already being done but the startup anyway?
> For the vast majority of installs, NetworkManager is a blessing.
> You may have to click the network icon once, and select 'System eth0',
> for wired, and once for each wireless network you connect to.  After
> that, its almost always automatic.
> It is a huge improvement for most users.
> Good Luck!

I'm sure it may be a blessing, when it works.  But that's my point.  If
the blasted app is this buggy and flaky and needs this kind of setup,
what's the point?  If it's not setup COMPLETELY to be the management for
all interfaces on a fresh install, then it's not useful.  Either make it
the complete default, or don't.  Don't half-do it.  Not to mention, if I
DON"T want it, I want to be able to use 's-c-n' and have it start on
boot and leave NM out of it.  But I can't.  Not without shutting down
NM.  NM doesn't start the interfaces on boot without hacking the config
files, which I find just silly.  So this hybrid setup just makes new
users of Fedora scratch their heads in wonder.  And makes Ubuntu that
much more attractive.

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Mark Haney
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(828) 350-2415

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