On 1/8/09, Todd Zullinger <t...@pobox.com> wrote:
> John Aldrich wrote:


>> I forgot that RedHat in their <sarcasm>infinite wisdom</sarcasm>
>> removed MP3 capability from XMMS when they packaged it.
> There's no need to make snide remarks about Red Hat for following the
> law so that they don't get sued into oblivion.  They are giving away a
> lot of good code and infrastructure after all. :)


> And why in the world is anyone still using xmms, with it's hideous
> gtk1 widget set and poor utf-8 support?

There's also no need to make snide remarks about people who are
content with what they've been using for years, and not throwing it
away for some new toy.
Call it environment-friendliness, if you will. :-) I for one am using
software that was dead already when gtk1 came to the scene.


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