On Wednesday 07 January 2009, Craig White wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-01-07 at 19:07 -0500, John Aldrich wrote:
> > What RPM do I need to install to get MP3 playback in XMMS? I forgot
> > that RedHat in their <sarcasm>infinite wisdom</sarcasm> removed MP3
> > capability from XMMS when they packaged it.
> ----
> you should probably learn to leave your sarcasm behind because it merely
> demonstrates your lack of understanding of the issues involved.
> Fedora, like any other American distribution doesn't include the codecs
> for decoding mp3 format files because of patent/licensing restrictions.
> If you have the rpmfusion repo stuff installed...
> yum install xmms-mp3
Thanks... I apologize, but it annoyed me. I looked on RPMFusion's website 
and they didn't list xmms-mp3, so I assumed there was a hidden repo 
somewhere. Thanks for clearing that up.

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