Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:

>>> It does not fail - it asks you if you want to continue. It does tell
>>> you that you need a wired network connection. It will then download
>>> the install image when the upgrade boots. You can also use a CD or
>>> DVD with the install image. I just did it last night - F8 to F10 -
>>> on this machine.
>> I did indeed continue.
>> But as I said, it only "retrieved" 1% of install.img ,
>> which struck me as odd.
>> I would have found 0% more intelligible.
> It takes a while, depending on your connection speed. At least for
> me, the 1% slowly climbed to 100%, and the progress bar fills in.

OK, thanks. I'll try again, using ethernet instead of WiFi.

(I've had a few problems with WiFi at my holiday venue -
I had to set net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling=0 in /etc/sysctl.conf .)

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