On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Rex Dieter <rdie...@math.unl.edu> wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
>> On Saturday 10 January 2009 16:10:19 Linuxguy123 wrote:
>>> I am running F10-32 bit KDE with all the updates.
>>> Every time I start Evolution in KDE, it asks me for all the passwords to
>>> my mail accounts.
>>> However, if I log out and log back into a gnome session, Evolution only
>>> asks me for the keyring password.
>>> How do I get Evolution to only ask for the keyring password in KDE ?
>> I presume that the kde environment has no knowledge of your gnome keyring.
> kwallet and gnome-keyring are 2 implementations (incompatible) of 
> approximately the same thing.  atm, apps use one or the other (kde apps 
> generally kwallet, gnome apps generally gnome-keyring).
> gnome-keyring integration should work, but under non-gnome isn't a much-used 
> test-case.
> Seems to work for some, not for others.
> yum install gnome-keyring-manager
> hrm, I could have sworn one could use this tool to reset keyring passwords 
> (ie, to match your login pass), but I can't see to figure out how to do that 
> now. ?

The first time I start Evolution in a new login session (under KDE) I
have to remember to kill the gnome-key daemon or Evo will ask for
every password. After that first time, a new gnome-key is spawned and
subsequent runs of Evo don't have the problem (until I log out and in
again). Evo asks for my keyring password the first time only.

This is a PITA. There's no reason I can see that Gnome and KDE have to
use two different keyring (or wallet) systems which appear not to talk
to each other.


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