Don Raikes wrote:
I just installed a new nvidia 7200gs card (the nvidia 84000gs card
wouldn't fit).

Now when I try to run gnome, I get a message saying no devices were
Do you mean gnome or X / GDM ?
How are you trying to start it ?

I am assuming I need to install some drivers, but cannot find
any for linux 32-bit.

Does anyone know where those pesky drivers are?
Which driver are you expecting to use ? nv, nouveau, nvidia (beta or release) ?

This might be a hint:
$ rpm -qa \*drv-n\* \*nvidia\* --qf="%{packager}  %{name}\n"
Fedora Project  xorg-x11-drv-nouveau
Fedora Project  xorg-x11-drv-nv
<>  akmod-nvidia-173xx
<>  kmod-nvidia-173xx-
<>  xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-173xx
<>  xorg-x11-drv-nvidia-173xx-libs

The rpmfusion packaged nvidia proprietary driver is for middle age cards like my fx5600.


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