On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Craig White <craigwh...@azapple.com> wrote:
>> Not true.  The ntfs module could be compiled with write abilities in
>> RH9.  It wasn't _reliable_ but it was there, and it didn't use udev.
>> udev really doesn't have anything to do with filesystems other than
>> potentially triggering a mount command.
> ----
> you're right...the ability to mount ntfs r/w was indeed available way
> back but the admonitions were clear that by doing so would likely damage
> the filesystem. That sort of made a non-option.
> I agree with the OP that it probably should mount an internal IDE drive
> somewhere other than /media but I suspect that he originally mounted it
> as a user and that's where it appears.
> The man pages for ntfs-3g and if needed, http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html
> should be all he needs to get it to mount where his heart desires.
> Craig

My understanding is that in /media the OS expects to find removable media
such as usb drives. The /mnt mount point is for nfs and local filesystems.
Those mount points are sort of "designated" places for specific filesystems.

Please shed some light if I'm wrong.

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