On Tue, 20 Jan 2009, Ed Greshko wrote:

> Mike McGrath wrote:
> > On Mon, 19 Jan 2009, Ed Greshko wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Mike McGrath wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hello Fedora Users!  I was wondering if everyone wouldn't mind answering
> >>> the following questions for me to the list.
> >>>
> >>> What is Fedora (the operating system)?
> >>>
> >>>
> >> There is no "Fedora" operating system.
> >>
> >> Anyone that tells you otherwise is either mis-informed or otherwise
> >> ignorant.
> >>
> >
> > My intention here was to make the distinction between the Fedora Project
> > and its flagship product "Fedora".  No need to say that people that call
> > Fedora an Operating System vs distribution "ignorant".
> >
> >
> I still have no idea as to what you are trying to achieve or where your
> intention lies.
> There is no OS known as "Fedora" and frankly, there is no flagship
> product "Fedora".
> Are you asking a question or just throwing out words?
> You seem to be asking questions....yet you also seem to have formed your
> own opinions or answers to the questions you've asked.  Otherwise, why
> would you take exception to the answers /opinion I've provided?

I'm the Fedora Project's Infrastructure Lead so yes.  I have an opinion.

> Do you want to gain knowledge/information or just throwing
> words/questions?  What is your purpose?

I generally like staying behind the scenes.  There were some questions
raised recently (by myself) if we're getting our message out as to what
Fedora actually is and who it is for.  So I've asked on the list to see
what people who use it think.

> Besides...there is nothing intrinsically wrong with being ignorant.
> Maybe all you are doing is soliciting opinions?  You'll find a never
> ending supply of that...  And, btw, there is no such thing as an
> incorrect opinion....and that is just my opinion.

Yep, just looking for opinions.


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