Frank Cox wrote:

> AT&T really requires yahoo?  For a DSL account setup?
> That's got to be the weirdest thing I've read this week.

hi frank,

i hate to say it, but it is true. at&t is humping the monkey.

they have turned over their account for yahoo to handle.

it is a real fubb.

i move my mom's main account over 3 days ago and i am still trying to
get it corrected.

true to form for yahoo, first thing to screw up is login and password.
i can not get a login to site or email.

i am not only one, cause when i call yahoo support to get it corrected,
i get on a wait list and i have dropped off after 10 to 15 minutes.

next try will be with speaker phone and a clock to see just how long it
takes to get a human.

all tho, thinking about it again, i believe i will call bellsouth and
complain to them that if they do not get things straightened out for me,
i will drop them and go to another provider and move phone service as

up until now, i have had nothing but great service and support. even
when i tell support that i am using linux, i have still had great help.

they even up graded me from a cheap westell dsl model to a 2wire 2701hg-b
which is 4 ports + wireless, no charge.

but i will not put up with crappy service of yahoo.

having heard nothing but complaints from people i know using yahoo, i
am very surprised that bellsouth/at&t would make such a dumb move.

peace out.



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