Has anyone ever seen OpenOffice 2 or 3 screw up the Format of a PPT file.
My niece called me up last night and said she loaded a PPT file onto two different Linux boxes with OO-2 and OO-3 and the format of the file was all screwed up . I have received many PPT files from people and never had problems with one to open in OO-2 FC8. I maybe missing something. I have got a young girl here that she is trying to convince her Mother and Father that she needs a Vista Laptop that they can't afford, because all her friends have a Vista Laptop. and she needs one to, and because her parents don't understand anything about Software. Their Son has used the Fedora 10 box I have setup for them and done his studies without any problems, I even setup IE6 on linux with ie4linux so he could connect to his School computers to do his studies, and she goes to the same school. Anyhow I was just wondering if there was something I could fix, that is a problem. I have tried to use User Agent Switcher in Firefox to connect to his school computers but it just won't work.

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