homb...@tips-q.com wrote:
On Mon, 09 Feb 2009 13:11:24 -0500 Todd Denniston
<todd.dennis...@ssa.crane.navy.mil> wrote:

Bill Davidsen wrote, On 02/07/2009 11:13 PM:
Paul-Erik Törrönen wrote:
On Fri, 2009-02-06 at 16:02 -0500, Bill Davidsen wrote:
I'm looking for some morphing software, to take two images,
and generate some  "intermediate" images to show the effect
of a smooth transition from one to the other.
One such program is the convert-command, which is part of the

I'd like to get Ann Coulter -> Phyllis Shlafly ;-) but I digress.

I checked through freshmeat, sourceforge and rpmfind. There are
xmorph, morphine and XMRM. These are all 20th century packages and
deprecated. Xmorph and morphine will not compile. XMRM (which
otherwise looks like the most promising candidate) requires
/usr/bin/mpeg which is unavailable. Linking "mpeg" to other
encoders doesn't work.

Perhaps something for win. will run in wine or a VM??

Hmm, hadn't come across xmrm before, although the ftp link seems dead
at the moment.


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