Kevin Kempter wrote:
> Hi All;
> I've setup untangle as a firewall - it works great. It's setup with 
> as the  'gateway' or the begining I.P. range for the DHCP server. So, if I go 
> to I get the untangle admin panel
> I also want a wireless access point. I'm currently using a netgear VPN 
> fiirewall with a built-in WAP (I'm only wanting the Wireless Access Point).  
> Unfortunately I cannot have the VPN firewall access point on the same subnet 
> as 
> the untangle firewall. The untangle DHCP server serves up IP's from 
> thru
> I'd like for the WAP to just get another IP and serve up addresses from 
> thru (or so).
> The WAP however wants to be its own DHCP server and refuses to start with 
> ANYTHING other than a 192.168.x.1 address.
> Any thoughts on this ? Is this normal, or maybe its simply because I'm 
> forcing 
> a firewall to be only a WAP ? Suggestions per configurations and/or WAP 
> devices 
> ?
> I did buy a USR model 5451 WAP but it seems to be too tied to M$ Windows, 
> without the M$ windows install CD (according to their suppoer) I should be 
> able to access it at but it doesn't work - even if I try it 
> before 
> my untangle firewall (Directly off the cable modem)
> Thanks in advance for any advice, thoughts, etc...
You can turn off the DHCP server on the access point. You can also
give it a static IP address for the LAN connection. In that case,
you probably do not want to use the WAN port at all. The hard part
would be dividing up the DHCP assignments between the wired and
wireless connections.

On the other hand, you could use the WAN port on the WAP and let its
DHCP server handle the IP address assignments for the wireless
connections. You could still give it a static IP address, or let it
get one from your DHCP server. The problem would be that all
wireless connections would appear to be from the IP address of the
WAP. But if you want to firewall off the wireless connections, that
should actually make it easier.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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