On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Beartooth <bearto...@swva.net> wrote:

> On Thu, 05 Feb 2009 17:00:55 -0700, Phil Meyer wrote:
> > McGuffey, David C. wrote:
> >> Rather than configuring a dual-boot machine for running those
> >> occasional Windows apps, which one of these virtualization tools
> >> provides the best (read most accurate) virtualization environment on
> >> F10?  Which one is the easiest to install and configure?  I had
> >> problems with VMWare on F7, and would prefer not to go that route
> >> again.  I have no experience with the other two.
> > I would vote KVM as well.  Support for native disks and USB devices is
> > trivial.  However, the selling points for me of all of them are these:
> >
> > 1. Xen == Novel/Microsoft (yes, MS bought rights to Xen, and development
> > stopped/slowed to nothing)
> >
> > 2. VMWare == Windows host focus.  Linux support is sub par and building
> > their kernel modules may always be an issue.
> >
> > 3. KVM is in the mainline kernel and gets a lot of (good and bad)
> > attention.
> >
> > 4. Virtualbox == some really old code from SUN.  It requires its own
> > device driver and can conflict with KVM.
>        What of Rahul's comment, further up the thread, saying "KVM
> (assuming you have the hardware support) with Virt-manager (if you
> need a GUI)"??
>        How do we tell if we have the hardware it takes? (And I for one
> do need a GUI for anything very complicated.)
> > 5. I am a command line/scripting person, and starting a series of VMs
> > based upon KVM is easily made to be automatic.
> >
> > I have no problem typing:
> >
> > $ sudo qemu-kvm -hda /dev/sdb1 -net nic -net user -m 1024 -soundhw all
>        Aaaiiieeeee! <runs screaming into the middle distance>
> not to be feared about the qemu-kvm command if you have to use it, theres a
> few parameters and examples, whats really useful is the fact it can be
> scriped if necessary.  Plus redhat is going with KVM now, so it'll be the
> one to use for some time.  I sure dont trust anything MS buys into even if
> its opensource (for now (XEN)).
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