On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 16:43 +0000, GERALD HOOPER wrote:
> Hi Red Hat Group
> I recently installed Fedora V7 from LXFDVD95 dated August 2007 on a
> separate hard 20gb hard drive. I then received 250 plus critical
> updates to my system which failed to install because the /var
> directory ran out of space.

No it didn't. Directories don't have space limits. Partitions on the
other hand, do.

> When I checked the actual space used on my disc by the Fedora System
> it was only 3.5 gb meaning that I had plenty of space left if only the
> system could have taken advantage of it. Is there a tool that I can
> download that will fix this problem for me or do I have to perform a
> manual install using my own size values? If so what are the
> recommended sizes that I should use?

What is the output of 'df'?

> PS This mail is coming to you from Windows XP on a  separate disc
> because the email system on fedora fails to send my mail but still
> receives it. The system fails to recognise my supplier of services on
> pop.ntlworld.com
> Again any thoughts about this second problem?

How about installing a supported version of Fedora (9 or 10)? Then you
might have better luck getting answers to your questions.


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