On Fri, 2009-02-20 at 21:22 +0100, wwp wrote:
> Hello,
> I've just installed Fedora 10 on a i383 system with WUXGA screen
> running at 1920x1200. I notice that the default fonts in GNOME and
> other X11/Qt apps are way too big. To get font size that fits my needs,
> I have to set fonts height to 5-7, whereas usually I was more or less
> at 8-10 on my previous Fedora 8 (same screen). I could live with this,
> but there are apps that don't obey GNOME font settings, then I feel I'm
> not doing it the right way.

See http://nothing.co.nz/Linux/ManuallySetScreenDPI
Brian Millett - [ Garibaldi (to G'Kar), "The Gathering"]
"Beep. Beep."

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