On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 4:17 AM, Rahul Sundaram
<sunda...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>>> Since when being formal and polite is ridiculous. You may want to
>>> consider cultural diversity before replying with what could be construed
>>> as offensive comments.
>> I have no problem with being polite.  I just think that the language was
>> a bit excessive.
> I understand it looks odd to you but it is a cultural difference primarily.
> Rahul

The cultural difference is already shown by the way the OP addresses
the intended audience: "Respected Sir/Madam". And he got hammered
in return because of the lack of understanding of how things work in
his world.
The world is not the same outside our borders. There are many countries
were the resources are not as readily available as they are for us.


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