I had to reboot the system (after updating) - the USB wireless keyboard
stopped working (replaced batteries - still does not work). The wireless
mouse worked and I could use the cursor to start programs but could not
type any input. I plugged in a wired usb keyboard and mouse.

Now the system refuses to reboot into a graphical display even though
inittab is at 5. I can ctrl-alt F2 into a shell and even install new
packages (so the networking is still working).

But X refuses to run (although I don't see any error messages even with
dmesg). I checked xorg.conf and it consists of just Section Device using
the vesa driver. I looked through the entire X11 log but no errors are
reported - it finds the vesa driver and usable modes - yet no display.
After the F10 white line thingy at the bottom goes away, the cursor just
blinks in the upper left hand corner. I have to ctrl alt F2 to a shell
to log in.

I'm completely stumped. What else should I check? The kernel is If I type "startx" I get "No address
associated with name". It says to check /usr/bin/X but this does not

Rick B.

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