Hi Fedora users,

I run Fedora 10 x86_64 on my Dell Latitude D830.

After installing the following updates:
    * Fedora 10 Update: gvfs-1.0.3-6.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: qgis-1.0.1-1.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: xorg-x11-drv-vmmouse-12.6.3-3.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: libgxim-0.3.2-3.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: SDL-1.2.13-7.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: evolution-data-server-2.24.5-1.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: linuxwacom-, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: cups-1.3.9-8.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: gtkhtml3-3.24.5-1.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: anthy-9100h-1.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: alsa-utils-1.0.19-2.fc10, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: kernel-, updates
    * Fedora 10 Update: selinux-policy-3.5.13-46.fc10, updates

I have problems with my graphical desktop environment.
For instance, if I open an xterm I cannot digit anything inside it;
but if I open another one, I can digit in the first I opened but not
in the last one.
Also, the focus of the window manager sometimes freeze: for instance,
in FireFox clicking on a tab, to get the focus, does nothing and for
making it to return to function I have to switch in another virtual
desktop and then come back to the one when the FireFox is open.
I can go further with other examples related to this problem but maybe
someone is already able to help me.

Any help is very very very appreciated.

Thank you very much!


-- Marco

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