On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Michael Eager <ea...@eagercon.com> wrote:

> Michael Eager wrote:
>> Hi --
>> I have dual monitors using Nvidia Twinview.  I
>> have both displays working.  The primary display has
>> the panel, plasmoids, etc.  It seems to work OK.
>> The secondary display only shows wallpaper.  Mouse
>> clicks on the screen are ignored.
>> I can start a program on the second display by running
>> a command in the primary display: "DISPLAY=:0.1 konsole"
>> but this screen does not take keyboard focus.  Doing
>> the same with konqueror, the mouse works, but again
>> the keyboard is inactive.  Neither of these windows has
>> taskbars at the top, so they cannot be moved.
>> Running GNOME, the dual display works OK, with both
>> screens active.
> One correction:  I'm not running Twinview.  When I
> turn on Twinview in the nvidia-settings applet, I
> get a single X window over both monitors.  I want
> independent X sessions on each monitor.
> --
> Michael Eager    ea...@eagercon.com
> 1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 94306  650-325-8077

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